
本站原创   |    2020-06-18  |   浏览次数: 1,649 views

王沛 等:The effect of stereotype activation on spontaneous inferences

We adopted the probe recognition paradigm to examine the effect of stereotype activation on spontaneous inferences among Chinese undergraduates (N = 48). First, behavioral sentences involving trait-implying behavior and corresponding situational information were simultaneously presented. We then selected stereotype labels of the actor’s behavior that were consistent or inconsistent with the behavior, and which were activated either supraliminally or subliminally. The results showed that whether a stereotype was activated supraliminally or subliminally, the influence on spontaneous inferences was the same. Specifically, when the stereotype was inconsistent with the actor’s behavior, spontaneous situational inferences were facilitated, and when the stereotype was consistent with the actor’s behavior, spontaneous trait inferences were not facilitated. As Chinese people may be more prone to spontaneous (vs. trait) inferences, this indicates that human inferences are deeply influenced by culture.


点击查看:王沛 等《The effect of stereotype activation on spontaneous inferences》








严世良 等:战后日本技术教育体系构建的历史沿革、现状特色及启示——以“高等专门学校-技术科学大学”技术教育体系为例


点击查看:严世良 等《战后日本技术教育体系构建的历史沿革、现状特色及启示——以“高等专门学校-技术科学大学”技术教育体系为例》

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