a |
Chen Weiyun 陈伟运 Lecturer of Department of Education Information Technology Contact 8621-62232778 wychen@deit.ecnu.edu.cn |
Scholarly Interests |
Education data analysis, social calculation, etc.
Selected Publications |
1.Chen, W., Xiaoqing, GU. (2017). Effectiveness of Primary School Teacher’s Classroom Rating Behavior on Student Achievement, Working Paper.
2.Chen, W., Li, X., and Zeng, D. (2017). “Modelling Fixed Odds Betting for Future Event Prediction”, MIS Quarterly. (forthcoming, abstract available at: PDF). (SSCI, SCI, IF: 5.31).
3.Exploring the Dimensions of Online Study Analysis — on the Basis of Literature Review Analysis,2016.
4.The Design and Validity Assessment on Elementary Classroom Behavior Management System,2016.
5.Chen, W., Xiaoqing, GU. (2016). To Click or Not to Click: Effectiveness of Classroom Behavior Rating on Achievement Using iPad, American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting (AERA 2016),WashingtonD.C., U.S.A, April 7-12. pp: 1-11.
6.Chen, W., Li, X., and Zeng, D. (2015). Simple is beautiful: Toward light prediction markets, IEEE Intelligent Systems, 30(3): 76-80. ( SCI, IF: 2.34)
7.Chen, W., Li, X., and Zeng, D. Exploring Crowds’ Mean Belief in Fixed Odds Betting for Event Prediction,22nd Workshop on Information Technologies and Systems (WITS), Florida, 2012.
8.Chen, W., Li, X., and Zeng, D. Online Prediction Markets: An Introduction, Overseas Scholars, June, 2012.
9.Chen, W., Li, X. Deciphering Wisdom of Crowds from Their Influenced Binary Decisions, In the 2012 International Workshop on Social Computing (SoCo), Washington, DC, June, 2012. ( EI )