Huimin Zhang

2019-12-23  |   1,728 views



Brief Introduction:

Dr. Huimin Zhang obtained her PhD degree from the Facultad de Formación de Profesorado y Educación, the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid of Spain. Her main research areas include:  Comparative International Education, Teaching and Teacher Education, and Inclusive Education.

Research Interests and Experience:

The doctoral research experience is about pre-service teacher training from the perspective of professional competencies: a comparative study between China and Spain, which was funded by Chinese Scholarship Council. And she was awarded the “Excellent Thesis” by the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid and distinction of “International 

And the current research interests focus on Professional Competencies of Teachers, Education and Teacher Education of Latin America and Educational Innovation and Teacher Creativity.

Representative Publications


– Zhang, H. M., Tian, M., and Hung, T. K. (2019). Cultural distance and cross-border diffusion of innovation: a literature review (Under Review at Academia Revista Latinoamericana de Administración, SSCI).

–  黄志成, 张会敏. 试论全纳教育与人权 [J].湖南师范大学教育科学学报, 2010 (2): 51-54. (南大核心)

  • –  张会敏. 重新审视中国随班就读的困境 [J].当代教育论坛, 2009 (2): 17-19.(北大核心)

–  张会敏. 英国全纳教育的经验与启发 [J].文教资料, 2009 (7): 117-120. (中文核心)


–  Zhang. H. M. (2018). La formación inicial del profesorado de Educación Primaria desde la perspectiva de las competencias profesionales docentes: visión supranacional y estudio comparado entre China y España. DOCTORAL THESIS
. (Translated in English): Primary pre-service teacher training from the perspective of professional competencies: supranational vision and a comparative study between China and Spain.

 Conference Papers:

  • –  10/2018: Seminar on Education in National Changhua University of Education (NCUE), Taiwan, with the presentation entitled “Primary pre-service teacher training from the perspective of professional competencies: supranational vision and a comparative study between China and Spain”.
  • –  06/2016: The XVI National Congress and the VII Latin America Pedagogy: democracy and education in the XXI century, with the presentation entitled “Comparative study of the historical background of teacher training in Spain and China: creation and development of normal schools”. Madrid.

–  05/2016: The 2nd Doctoral Symposium in Education of Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, with the presentation entitled 
“Primary pre-service teacher training from the perspective of professional competencies: a comparative study between China and Spain”. Madrid.