Zhongjian Zhao

2017-09-21  |   1,602 views



Zhao Zhongjian



Professor of the Institute of the International and Comparative Education



Scholarly Interests

Learning in variable settings(Schools or Museums);comparative study on International Baccalaureate education; educational internationalization in k-12 schooling system; technology-based learning; School Improvement.

Selected Publications

1.Computer Science as a Discipline: A Review of the K-12 Computer Science Framework in America, Global Education, 2017.

2.University revolution in public innovation era: idea, strategy and route, Journal of Innovation and Enterprise Education, 2017.

3.How American high schools encourage innovation and entrepreneurship, Jiangxi Education, 2016.

4.K-12 Engineering Education and Assessment of Technology and Engineering Literacy in America, Global Education, 2016.

5.Changing Academic Science into An Economic Engine:The Rise of Innovative and Entrepreneurial University in America, Global Education, 2016.

6.The Innovative and Entrepreneurship Education Ecosystem of High-level and some Recommendation to China, Exploring Education Development, 2016.

7.Clear goal, tough process —— Comment on The Every Students Succeeds Act, Journal of East China Normal University, 2016.

8.Ethical thinking on the application of big data in education, Education Science Digest, 2016.

9.Study on the American Research Universities' Approaches in The National Innovational and Entrepreneurial Ecosystem:An Analysis Based on the Report of U. S. Department of Commerce, Global Education, 2015.

10.”Proof of Concept Center”: A New Organizational Model to Promote the Commercialization of Scientific Research in American Research Universities, Fudan Education Forum, 2015.

11.Outsourcing: The Contemporary American Public University’s Privatized Approaches, Studies in Foreign Education, 2015.

12.The Construction of Key Education Research Institutes in Universities Based on Innovation -Driven Policy:the Present Situation and the Vision: Review on "The Roundtable of Education Committee Members of Social Science Research Committee of the Ministry of Education and Directors of Key Education Research Institutes in Universities", Global Education, 2015.

13.National competitiveness of America: contribution of STEM education, Modern University Education, 2015.