2023 International HighlightsⅦ: Cooperating with World-renowned International Scholars

2024-01-12  |   447 views

In 2023, there are currently 10 international scholars and experts working with ECNU Faculty of Education in various collaborative modes, including joint research project management, courses teaching, seminar/workshop/conference organization, and international development consultation.


Prof. Yong Zhao, Distinguished Professor of School of Education and Human Sciences at the University of Kansas, serves as Global Chair Professor of ECNU


Prof. Nicholas Sun-Keung Pang, Former Dean of Dept. of Educational Administration and Policy, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, serves as Gaofeng Chair Professor of ECNU


Prof. Marek Tesar, Associate Dean International of School of Education and Social Work, University of Auckland; President of Philosophy of Education Society of Australasia (PESA), serves as Distinguished Professor of ECNU


Prof. Stephen Raudenbush, the Lewis-Sebring Distinguished Service Professor of Sociology and Chairman of the Committee on Education at the University of Chicago, serves as Honorary Professor of ECNU


The following 6 scholars are invited to work with Faculty of Education supported by The National Overseas Expert Program in China in various research projects.


Collaborative Research Project: Paulo Freire and Global Education Reform


Prof. Carlos Torres, Distinguished Professor of University of California, Los Angeles


Associate Prof. Ana Elvira Steinbach Torres, University of California, Los Angeles


Collaborative Research Project: International Comparative Study of Students’ Social and Emotional Abilities


Prof. Filip De Fruyt, Professor in Differential Psychology and Personality Assessment at Ghent University


Prof. Matthias Ziegler, Chair, 21st European Conference on Personality; Chair Professor, Psychological Assessment, Humboldt–Universitat zu Berlin


Collaborative Research Project: Cross-cultural Comparison of School Modernization and Research on Chinese Experience


Prof. Iveta Silova, Arizona State University


Prof. Jeremy Rappleye, The University of Hong Kong


Edge and Vision–The Annual Lectures of International Scholars at ECNU Faculty of Education, 2023



“Edge and Vision–The Annual Lectures of International Scholars at ECNU Faculty of Education” was held via Zoom Webinar and WeChat live streaming in December 15, 2023, The theme of 2023 Annual Lectures focused on the future trends and research edge of global education. Six international scholars were invited to give keynote speeches, and 6 ECNU faculty members joined each lecture as the discussant respectively. In total, each lecture attracted more than 10,000 audience members, facilitating the sharing of forward-looking knowledge and research issues.


(Video Link: http://www.ed.ecnu.edu.cn/en/?cat=5)