2023 International HighlightsⅥ: International Academic Exchange Week Program 2023

2024-01-12  |   238 views

To further strengthen the deep and multi-dimensional cooperation with international top-ranking universities and contribute to the cultivation of outstanding talents in education, the Faculty of Education continues to expand the International Academic Exchange Week Program.

This year, five international academic week programs were organized respectively, fostering in-depth academic exchanges and cooperation at University of Cambridge, University College London, Monash University, University of Melbourne, University of Canberra, Korea University, University of Hong Kong and other oversea high-level universities.


Group One: Academic Exchange Week at University of Cambridge

From July 13 to 20, under the leadership of Prof. CHEN Shuangye, Associate Dean of the Faculty of Education, and Dr. ZHANG Dan, Associate Professor of the Institute of International and Comparative Education, 7 graduate students from different departments of Faculty of Education visited the University of Cambridge to hold the first International Academic Exchange Week this year. They participated in the fifth Cambridge China Education Forum (CCEF), and launched multi-level and in-depth academic exchange activities with the teachers and students of the University of Cambridge for a week.



Group Two: Academic Exchange Week in Australia

Starting from September 30, 2023, the Faculty of Education of ECNU and Monash University, the University of Melbourne, the University of Canberra in Australia launched a 9-day International Academic Week exchange activities. The Academic Week Group was organized by the Department of Education and the Institute of Schooling Reform and Development. The theme was “Educational Research and Practice in the New Era: Opportunities, Challenges and Responses”. A total of 15 teachers and students from different departments of the Faculty of Education deeply engaged in these activities and gained valuable insights.



Group Three: Academic Exchange Week at University of Hong Kong

On October 30, the Faculty of Education of ECNU and the Faculty of Education of the University of Hong Kong launched a five-day Academic Exchange Week. The theme of this Academic Week Group was “AI-Empowered Future Education: State-of-the-Art Learning Technology and Learning Design”. Thirteen teachers and students from the Department of Education Information Technology actively participated, sharing their own research findings and ideas while exploring the potential of artificial intelligence in future education.



Group Four: Academic Exchange Week at Korea University

From October 10 to 15, the Faculty of Education carried out a 6-day International Academic Exchange Week at Korea University. This Academic Week Group was organized by the Department of Educational Psychology, with the theme “Contemporary Approaches to Motivation and Motivation Regulation”. Fifteen teachers and students from different departments of the Faculty of Education actively participated in the project, broadening their research horizons and learning a lot from one of Korea’s top universities.



Group Five: Academic Exchange Week at University College London and University of Cambridge

From November 4 to 13, the Faculty of Education conducted an International Academic Week with University College London and University of Cambridge. This Academic Week Group was organized by the Department of Curriculum and Teaching with the theme of “Education for Futures with Equity, Well-being, and Sustainability”. A total of 18 teachers and students from different departments of the Faculty of Education successfully completed the academic exchange activities.