Series V: 2023 Annual Lectures of International Scholars–Prof. Nicolas S.K. Pang

Series V: 2023 Annual Lectures of International Scholars–Prof. Nicolas S.K. Pang

In Search of Excellent Schools: Organizational Cultures and Binding Forces    Speaker: Prof. Nicolas S.K. Pang, Gaofeng Chair Professor of ECNU Discussant: Prof. HU Yaozong, Head of Dept. of Educ […]


Series IV: 2023 Annual Lectures of International Scholars–Prof. Carlos Torres

Series IV: 2023 Annual Lectures of International Scholars–Prof. Carlos Torres

Global Citizenship, Sustainability, and the Restoration and Enhancement of Civic Participation: The Quest for Human Flourishing   Speaker: Prof. Carlos Torres, Distinguished Professor of Universi […]


Series III: 2023 Annual Lectures of International Scholars–Prof. Alan C.K. Cheung

Series III: 2023 Annual Lectures of International Scholars–Prof. Alan C.K. Cheung

Shaping Futures: Enhancing Student Engagement and Well-being through Innovative Educational Strategies   Speaker: Prof. Alan C.K. Cheung, Chair of Dept. Of Educational Administration and Policy, […]


Series II: 2023 Annual Lectures of International Scholars–Prof.  ZHAO Yong

Series II: 2023 Annual Lectures of International Scholars–Prof. ZHAO Yong

Learning for Uncertainty: Teaching Students How to Thrive in a Rapidly Evolving World   Speaker:  Prof. ZHAO Yong, Global Chair Professor of ECNU, Distinguished Professor of School of Education a […]


Series I: 2023 Annual Lectures of International Scholars–Prof.  Marek Tesar

Series I: 2023 Annual Lectures of International Scholars–Prof. Marek Tesar

Theories and Philosophies of Global Childhoods   Speaker: Prof. Marek Tesar, Associate Dean International of School of Education and Social Work, The University of Auckland; President of Philosop […]


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