Daming Feng

2017-12-13  |   1,929 views


Feng Daming



Professor and Doctorial Tutor of School of Open Learning and Education





Scholarly Interests

western education leadership and management theory, Chinese school management history and current situation, the professional development of teachers/principals, school teaching and moral education management.

Selected Publications


1. The Relationship between Government and School in Six Western Countries, Shanghai Education Press, 2011.

2. Distributed Leadership, Shanghai Education Press, 2012.

3. The Research Progress of Western Education in the 21st Century, Higher Education Press, 2014.

4. The Bilingual Manual of Education Management, Shanghai Education Press, 2017.

5. Townsend T. International Handbook of School Effectiveness and Improvement[J]. Springer International Handbooks of Education, 2007, 17.