Wan Qin

2017-12-13  |   667 views

Wan Qin


Assistant Professor of Department of Educational Rehabilitation Science





Scholarly Interests

The Theory and Method of Speech Rehabilitation

Selected Publications

1.The Correction of Abnormal Speech Breathing Patterns, 2012.

2.The Correction of Respiratory Supporting Insufficiency, 2012.

3.The Effect of Breathing Patterns on Normal Children and Children with Hearing Impairment from 3 to 6 Years Old about the Longest Hearing Time and Maximum Counting Ability, 2011.

4.Chinese Teaching in Schools for the Deaf (Practice), 2010.

5.A Case Study of Nasal Hyperfunction after the Surgery of Cleft Palate with CPAP, 2010.

6.The Criteria and Methods of Speech Function Evaluation, 2007.

7.The Theory and Practice of Speech Therapy for Special Children, 2007.

8.The Evaluation and Correction of Speech Disorder, 2006.

9.The Principle and Method of Rehabilitation Education for Deaf Children, 2006.

10.Chinese Teaching in Schools for the Deaf, 2006.

11.A Case Study of Myotonic Patients’ Nasal Hyperfunction, 2006.