2017-09-17  |   386 views







Fields of studies

Education theory

Education ethics

Education research method

Academic achievement

Social governance data integration and decision analysis method based on big data, Journal of Tsinghua University, 2017.

From compulsory morality to supererogatory morality—— reconsidering the hierarchy of school moral education. Journal of The Chinese Society of Education, 2017.

Student personality cultivation during social transition period, Teaching & Administration, 2016.

The rise and logic of pedagogy institutionalization, Journal of East China Normal University: Educational Sciences, 2016.

School is community—— returning back to Dewey’s Democracy and Education, Journal of Educational Science of Hunan Normal University, 2016.

Plural Traditions and Their Emergent Interactions——A Cross-cultural Study on Knowledge Construction in Pedagogy, Educational Research, 2016.

The construction of four systems needed to promote P.E. teaching standard in non-governmental colleges and universities, Continue Education Research, 2015.

What Justice? Whose Responsibility? — Exploring the Right Processes of Modern Schools, Research in Educational Development, 2015.

The history of pedagogy: concept and dimensions, Education Sciences in China, 2015.