Peng Zhengmei 彭正梅
Professor of the Institute of the International and Comparative Education
Contact + 86-21-62238583 |
Scholarly Interests |
Principles of pedagogy,Education philosophy,Educational anthropology
Selected Publications |
1.Dietrich Benner /Alexander von Oettingen /Zhengmei PENG / Dariusz Stępkowski(2015).Bildung – Moral – Demokratie:Theorien und Konzepte moralischer Erziehung und Bildung und ihre Beziehungen zu Ethik und Politik. Verlag Ferdinand Schöningh – Paderborn
2.Zhengmei PENG etc (2015). Bildung und Continued Transformation of Experiences: On the Educational Theories in Germany and U.S.A. University Press of East China Normal University.
3.Zhengmei PENG etc (2015). Borrowings and Reflections: The global Educational Reforms and the Explorations of the Chinese Educational Traditions. Fujian Education Press.
4.Zhengmei PENG (2011). A History of Pedagogies in Germany: From Enlightenment to Contemporary, Beijing Uni. Press.
5.Zhengmei PENG (2010). A Historical Exploration of Philosophies of Modern Western Education, Shanghai Education Press.
6.Zhengmei PENG (2008). Education and Emancipation: A Study of Critical Pedagogies in Germany, University Press of East China Normal University.
1.Zhengmei Peng Über Lernen und Sorge in Traditionen des Konfuzianismus . ZEITSCHRIFT FUER PAEDAGOGIK, 2017.4
2.Zhengmei Peng: Zur Tradition von Bildungskonzepten der Selbst-Transformation und zur Zukunft von Erziehung und Bildung,EWE – Erwägen Wissen Ethik,Heft 2 (2014)304-306
Aufklärung und Bildung.Wilhelm von Humboldt und Cai Yuanpei als Bildungstheoretiker und Modernisierer Preußens und Chinas(together with Dietrich Benner ),in, Dietrich Benner,Bildung und Kompetenz: Studien zur Bildungstheorie, systematischen Didaktik und Bidungsforschung, Ferdinand SchÖningh, 2012, S.67-91.
3.Zhengmei PENG (2011). A Study of the Negative Experiences in Learning, Journal of Anhui Normal University for Humanities, 1:76-80.
4.Zhengmei PENG (2010). The Pradoxies in Modern Education and the Educational Crises in Its Persperktive, Global Education,9:32-38.
5.Zhengmei PENG (2010). How be foreced to Freedom: A Study of Herbart’s Article of ” the aesthetic revelation of the World as the main task of Education”, Basic Education,10:3-8.
6.Zhengmei PENG (2010). Towards to Rational Autonomy: The Basic Principle of Modern Western Education, Foreign Education,2:42-47.
7.Zhengmei PENG (2009). Noble Illusion: A historical Study of Educational Ideas. Global Education,7:33-40.
8.Zhengmei PENG (2009). The Cunning of Reason: The Five Crises and Their Responses of the Development of Pedagogies in Germany, Journal of East China Normal University for Educational Sciences,4:16-23.
1.Zhengmei PENG(trans) (2015). John Hattie: Visible Learning
2.Zhengmei PENG(trans) (2011). John Stuart Mill: On Liberty, Shanghai People Press.
3.Zhengmei PENG(trans) (2011). Randall Curren ed.:A companion to the philosophy of education (published by Blackwell Publishing Ltd. 2003), The Press of East China Normal University.
4.Zhengmei Peng(ed. and Trans.)John Dewey (2009). Democracy, Experiences and Education: The educational Works of John Dewey,Shanghai People Press.
5.Zhengmei PENG etc.(trans. From German to Chinese) (2006) Dietrich Benner:General Pedagogy, The Press of East China Normal University.
6.Zhengmei PENG etc.(trans. From German to Chinese) (2008).Wolfgang Brezinka: Belief, Moral and Education, the Press of East China Normal University.