Fei Wei

2017-12-13  |   1,580 views




Wei Fei



Lecturer of School of Open Learning and Education






Scholarly Interests

In-service Teacher Training, Distance Education (E-learning), ICT Application in K12

Selected Publications


1. Wei Fei, Zhu Zhiting(2017). Micro-credentials:A New Approach to Competency-based Open Development for Teacher, E-education Research(CSSCI), No.29, 71-79.

2. Wei Fei, Xiao lizhi.(2016) A study on Learning Assessment Design of In-service Teacher Distance Training, China Educational Technology, No.11, 94-99.

3. Wei Fei(2016). Research on the integration path of Informational technology and In-service teacher training, The Inservice Education and Training of School Teachers(CSSCI), No. 2, 15-17.

4. Wei Fei, Jiang Changhua (2013), From “simple transfer” to “system reconstruction”-The Study and Practice on In-service Teacher Training Management with the Support of Information Technology, Modern Distance Education Research (CSSCI), No. 5, 60-69.

5. Wei Fei, Zhu Zhiting(2013), Value Oriented Learning Activity Design in Online Training for Teachers, E-education Research(CSSCI), No.1, 102-108.

6. Wei Fei, Yan Hanbing(2012), The Strategies of Facilitator’s Development: The Research and Practice for the Problem of Qualified Teachers’ Development Facing the Large Scale Teacher Training Projects, Open Education Research(CSSCI), No.5, 58-63.

7. Yan Hanbing, Wei Fei, Li Baomin(2013), The Situation and Development Road Map of In-service Teacher Training Professionalization, Modern Distance Education Research(CSSCI), No. 5, 43-49.

8. Zhu Zhiting , Yan Hanbing, Wei Fei(2013), Enlightening the Positive Energy of MOOCs for Opening Education, Open Education Research(CSSCI), No.6, 18-27.

9. Wei Fei(2005), Information Literacy Indicator Research for Pre-service Teacher, Research on Higher Education, No.1, 29-30.

10. Wei Fei, Hu Xiaoyong(2004), Research on Informatization of International Pre-service Teacher Education, Modern Educational Technology(CSSCI), No. 6, 13-16.

11. Wei Fei, Chen Weijie(2004), Research on Empathic Instructional Design and its Application in Distance Education, Journal of Shenyang College of Education, No.3, 65-67.