Yun Xu

2017-12-13  |   1,593 views

Xu Yun


Associate professor of Faculty of Education Department of Art Education



Scholarly Interests

children’s aesthetic psychology, children’s music and dance education.

Selected Publications

Research Projects:

1.2017-2018: Shanghai art science project “art education problems and targeted policies under the background of educational integrated reform”( person in charge)

2.2011-2014: National social science fund youth project “theory and practice research on adolescent aesthetic education in new media era”(person in charge)


1.The Implementation of Music Activities Based on Picture Books in Kindergartens. Nanjing Normal University Journal,2011.

2.The Construction of Nonverbal Communication System of Prelingual Children. Nanjing Normal University Journal,2010.

3.Infants’ Understanding to Humor and Their Drawing Performance. Infant Education,2010.