Hui Dong

2017-12-17  |   1,736 views

Dong Hui

Associate Professor,Department of Education and Management, East China Normal University

Deputy head of the department



Scholarly Interests

Selected Publications

Journal Articles

1.H. Dong (2016), Investigating and Reflecting on the Practice of

Curriculum Leadership in Secondary Schools in the Context of

Curriculum Reform, Global Education (9). (in Chinese)

2.H. Dong, J.Y. Du (2015), Making sense of Educational Governing System

and its Capacity Building, Research in Educational Development (8). (in


3.H. Dong (2014), Observation and Reflection on the policy of feature

building and Curriculum Construction in Primary and Secondary

schools, Global Education (6). (in Chinese)

4.H. Dong (2014), The “localization” of school choice governing :Analyzing

the Policy Enactment of Local Government in Developed Areas,

Research in Educational Development (18). (in Chinese)

5.H. Dong (2014), Cooling Down the “Choice Fever”: From Internal

Interventions to Social Governance, Global Education (2). (in Chinese)

6.H. Dong (2013), School Choice Inquiry under Multidisciplinary

Perspectives: Advance and Implications, Global Education (6). (in


7.H. Dong (2013), New Directions in American Education Policy

Implementation Research in the context of social transformation,

Research in Educational Development (18). (in Chinese)

7.H. Dong (2012), Research Summary on School level Variables of

Academic Burden, Global Education (12). (in Chinese)

8.J.K. Chen & H. Dong (2012), The Postmodern Perspectives and

Propositions of Western Educational Administration Theory, Modern

Education Management (4). (in Chinese)

9.H. Dong & Leslie, N.K. Lo (2010), the State of the Art in School Choice

Research: Phenomena and Policies, International and Comparative

Education(12). (in Chinese)

10.H. Dong & Leslie, N.K. Lo (2010), From “Mandates” to “Action”: The

Implementation of Control Policies on School Choice, Research in

Educational Development (22). (in Chinese)

11.Leslie, N.K. Lo & H. Dong (2009), Examining the school choice

phenomenon: Reflection on global context and local conditions,

Research in Educational Development (20). (in Chinese)


1.H. Dong (2014), A Case Study on the School Choice Policies in Compulsory

Education in China, Beijing: Educational Science Publishing House.

2.H. Dong (2017), Rediscovering “Society”: A proposal for Social Governing

of School Choice problem. In Zeng, X.D. (eds.). Ideas and Thoughts

on Educational Choice. Beijing: Beijing Normal University Press.

2017(in Chinese/forcecoming).