Guorui Fan

2017-12-12  |   2,486 views

Fan Guorui


Professor and Doctorial Tutor of Department of Education Science



Scholarly Interests

Education Policy, Educational Principle, Reform and Development of School

Selected Publications

Monography(Since 2000):

1.Fan, G.R. (2010). (chief editor) The Observations of Education Policy (Part 2). Shanghai: East China Normal University Press.

2.Fan, G.R. (2010). (chief editor) Focus on Weight, Respect for Choice, Promote Fairness. Shanghai: East China Normal University Press.

3.Fan, G.R. (2010). (chief editor) The Observation of Education Policy in China. Shanghai: East China Normal University Press.

4.Fan, G.R. (2009). Contemporary Basic Education Reform: Theoretical Framework and Practical Orientation, the First Chapter of The Research on the Basic Education Reform and Reconstruction of Pedagogy Theory in China by Ye,L.(chief editor), Beijing: Economic Science Press.

5.Fan, G.R. (2009). (chief editor) The Observation of Education Policy (Part 1). Shanghai: East China Normal University Press.

6.Fan, G.R. (2009). (co-author) How the Nation Views The Public Schools he Reports of Annual Phi Delta Kappa/Gallup Polls of the Public’s Attitudes toward the Public Schools from 1969 to 2007. Beijing: Educational Science Publishing House.

7.Fan, G.R. (2008). The Transformation of Educational System and the Development of Human Being. Hefei: Anhui Education Publishing House.

8.Fan, G.R. (2006). (co-author) The History of Western Education. A Part of the Nature and Research Orientation of Educational Theory. Shanghai: East China Normal University Press.

9.Fan, G.R. (2006). Educational Administration. A Part of Annual Report on the Development of Education in China (2005) by Ye.L.,(chief editor)Shanghai: Shanghai Education Publishing House.

Fan, G.R. (2000). Education Ecology. Beijing: People’s Education Press.


Translated Book:

1.Greg S. Goodman (2010). (co-translator) Lessons Planning: A Practice of Processional Responsibility and Development, A Part of Educational Psychology Reader: The Art and Science of How People Learn by NY: Peter Lang Pub. Inc.

2.Wayne K. Hoy, Cecil G. Miskel (2007). (main-translator) Educational Administration: Theory, Research, and Practice. Beijing: Educational Science Publishing House.


1.Fan, G.R. (2010). Policy Analysis on the Basic Education in China in 2009. Research in Educational Development, (8).

2.Fan, G.R. (2010). The Internal mechanism and External Promotion of the Teacher Professional Development. Journal of Schooling Studies, (1).

3.Fan, G.R. (2009). The Characteristics and Inspiration of Caplan/Gallop’s Educational Public Opinion Poll. Research in Educational Development, (1).

4.Fan, G.R. (2008). Education–Ecological Analysis: On the Research Style of Educational Ecology. Theory and Practice of Education, (7).

5.Fan, G.R. (2008). Analysis of the School Reforming Cost. Research in Educational Development, (19).

6.Fan, G.R. (2008). The Experience and Reflection of Cuba’s Educational Reform. Studies in Foreign Education, (10).

7.Fan, G.R. (2008). Tendency of International Basic Education Reform: Bidirectional Construction of Theory and Practice. Research in Educational Development, (3/4).

8.Fan, G.R. (2008). The Value of Multi-Culture Guides Healthy Ecology of Education. Educational Science Research, (6).

9.Fan, G.R. (2007). Research on the Ecological Problems of Education in Contemporary Western Countries. Global Education, (9).

10.Fan, G.R. (2007). Lesson Planning: A Practice of Professional Responsibility and Development. Educational Horizons, (4).