Jianjun Wang

2017-12-12  |   1,822 views

Wang Jianjun


Associate Professor and Tutor of Postgraduate, Director of Teacher Education Institute



Scholarly Interests

Theory of Curriculum and Instruction; Theory and Practice of Teachers’ Professional Development; Methodology of Educational Research (Action Research); English Course and Teaching in Primary School

Selected Publications


1.Wang, J.J. (2016). (Deputy Ed.)Go to Study Education in Primary and Secondary Schools: an Exploration of Educational Action Research (the Third Edition). East China Normal University Press/

2.Wang, J.J. (2015). (Deputy Ed.) Talk about Education for an Half Month. East China Normal University Press.

3.Wang, J.J. (2014). (Ed.) Teacher’s Professional Development. East China Normal University Press.

4.Wang, J.J. (2008). (Author)Teacher Development in School Transformation. Educational Science Press.

5.Wang, J.J. (2007). Cooperation between Science and Education: A New Exploration of Training Teachers in Senior High Schools. Science and Technology of China press.

6.Wang, J.J. (2005). (Deputy Ed.)Participation, Understanding and Adaptation: Research on Effective Teaching Strategies in Middle Schools. Shanghai Sanlian Bookstore.

7.Wang, J.J. (2005). (Deputy Ed.)Research on Effective Teaching Strategies in Middle Schools. Shanghai Sanlian Bookstore.

8.Wang, J.J. (2005). Curriculum Reform and Teachers’ Professional Development. Sichuan Education Press.

9.Wang, J.J. (2001). The Bridge of Educational Reform: the Theory and Practice of the Cooperation between Universities and Schools. Hong Kong Institute of Educational Research.


1.Wang, J.J. (2016).Learning Opportunity in Classroom Teaching in Middle School: Performance and Difference. Global Education Outlook, (9).

2.Wang, J.J. (2014).Discussion on “the Problems of Textbooks. Shanghai Research on Education, (9).

3.Wang, J.J. (2009). Investigations of the Main Challenges Teachers in High School Confront. Theory and Practice of Education, (10).

4.Wang, J.J. (2008). Fifty years of PSSC Physics Curriculum Reform: Historical Experience and Lessons. Global Education Outlook, (11).-

5.Wang, J.J. (2008). The Expanded Professional Development of University Teachers in Cooperative Educational Change”. Global Education Outlook, (3).

6.Wang, J.J. (2007). What Kind of Teacher Professional Development Activities are Most Effective? Shanghai Research on Education, (5).

Overseas Journal:

1.Wang, J.J. (2012).Curriculum Reform in Mainland China, 1978-2008: Change, Maintenance, and Conflicts. Chinese Education and Society, 45(1), 59-68.

2.Wang, Xuan & Wang, J.J. (2006). Real Life Development: Teacher Professional Development in the New Basic Education Project. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Comparative and International Education Society, February 25-March 1, Baldimore, MA.

3.Wang, J.J. (2006). Extended Professional Development of University Partners in University-School Collaborative Education Change Programs: The Issues in Mainland China. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, April 9-13, Chicago, IL

4.Wang, J.J. (2004). Issues of Teacher Quality and Teacher Accountability in Mainland China. Panelist paper presented at the annual conference of Chinese American Educational Research and Development Association, April 11-12, San Diego, CA.

Research Projects:

1.Thirteenth Five-year Planning Project: Research on Teachers’ Contribution to Fair Learning Opportunity, 2016.

2.Horizontal Research on Professional Development of High School Teaching and Research Group Leader, 2011-2013.

3.Study Abroad Fund Project, Ministry of Education: Research on the Teachers’ Professional Development Strategy Based on Practice with Chinese Characteristics

4.Transverse Project: Research on Teachers’ Development in the Transformation of School

5.Transverse Project: Teaching – Research – Professional Development in the Cooperation between University and Primary Schools, the Integration of School Based Training Research

6.Transverse Project: School-based Curriculum Research in Middle Schools, 1911-2002.