Junwen Zhu

2018-06-12  |   2,117 views

ZHU Junwen
Professor, Department of Educational Management, Faculty of Education, East China Normal University
Office address: 3663 N. Zhongshan Rd., Shanghai 200062, China
Email: jwzhu@ed.ecnu.edu.cn

Academic Profession
Talent Strategy, Chinese Returnees and Brain Gain
Research Evaluation and Science Policy
Ph. D. (Management Science and Engineering), Shanghai Jiao Tong University, 2009
M. A. (Public Administration), Suzhou University, 2003
B. A. (Economics), Anhui Normal University, 1997
2018.4–Present Professor, Department of Educational Management, Faculty of Education, East China Normal University, Shanghai, China
2015.12–2018.3 Deputy Director, Division for Development of Liberal Arts. Associate Professor, Graduate School of Education, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China
2013.12–2014.12 Visiting Scholar, Manchester Institute of Innovation Research, University of Manchester, UK
2008.5–2015.11 Associate Professor, Executive Director, Center for Science & Technology Policy, Graduate School of Education, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China

ZHU J.W., LI Y.Y., LI Y.C. (2017). Mechanisms and Characteristics of Faculty Salary in UK Research-based Universities: An Empirical Study of Russell Group Members. Journal of Higher Education, 38(11), 86-93.
ZHU J.W., MA C.C., LI Y.C. (2017). From Breaking ‘Iron Rice Bowls’ to Reestablishing ‘Lifetime Appointments’: Reflections on the Paradox of Faculty Recruitment Reforms in Chinese Research-intensive Universities. Journal of Higher Education, 38(5), 21-25.
ZHU J.W., LI Y.Y. (2016). The Evolution of the Overseas Research on Science and Technology Talents Mobility based on Mapping Knowledge Domains. Studies in Science of Science, 34(5), 697-703.
ZHU J.W., LIU N.C. (2014). The Deviation of Quantitative Evaluation of University Research Performance from Quality-Orientation and its Effective Governance. Educational Research, 2014(8), 52-59.
ZHU J.W., SHEN Y.Q. The Analysis of Provincial Government Overseas Chinese Talent Introduction Policies: Current Situations, Problems and Suggestions. Journal of Shanghai Jiao Tong University (Philosophy and Social Sciences), 21(1), 59-63.
ZHU J.W., LIU N.C. (2012).Research Assessment: Fitting Methods to Aims. Peking University Education Review, 10(3), 37-46.
ZHU J.W., LIU N.C. (2010).Basic Research Performance of Chinese Universities: 1979-2009. Journal of Higher Education (China), 31(11), 57-63.
ZHU J.W., LIU N.C. (2009).Research Performance of Chinese Research Universities: A Scientometric Study. Journal of Higher Education, 30(2), 30-35. 
ZHU J.W., LIU N.C. (2009).Comparative Study on the Research Performances between Chinese, German and Japanese Top Universities: A Scientometric Approach. Fudan Education Forum, 7(3), 59-62.
2015 Shanghai Pujiang Program, shanghai, China
2012 New Century Excellent Talents in University, Ministry of Education, China