Qingju Pang

2017-12-12  |   1,550 views

Pang Qingju


Lecturer of Department of Education Science



Scholarly Interests

Education Basic Theory and Basic Education School Reform

Selected Publications


1.Pang, Q.J., (2015). Human Nature: “Life and Practice” is the Foundation of Educational Human Science, East China Normal University Press.

2.Pang, Q.J., (2014) (co-author). Deep Interview: Understand the People Who Create the New World for Education, Fujian Education Press.


1.Pang, Q.J., (2016). Research the Community Education and its Promotion in the View of Community Management, Research in Education Development, 7.

2.Pang, Q.J., (2016). Views on Children in Classics of Pre-Qin Period and Its Flowing Deformation, Journal of Educational Studies, 5.

3.Pang, Q.J., (2016). Ye Lan: Education Should Understand Human First, People’s Education, 5.

4.Pang, Q.J., (2015). The Feature of “Life and Practice” in Modern Chinese Education, Journal of Educational Studies, 5.

5.Pang, Q.J., (2015). Chinese Experience of Overall Transformational Reform in Modern School, Journal of East China Normal University (Education Science Edition), 2.

Research Projects:

1.Joined and Undertook the Great Project of ECNU Basic Education Reform and Development Research Institute: Local Exploration of School modernization development path in Chinese Basic Education 6JJD880019,2016-2020 he Sub-Project: Case Research of School Overall Reform in Modern Chinese New Basic Education

2.Presided National Educational Science General Topic: Path Research of Modern Chinese School Reform Advance,AA150207, 2015-2018

3.Joined and Undertook a Series of Topic: Educational Responsibility of Society. Two Sub-Topic: Research of the Social Responsibility for Modern Chinese Children’s Moral Education and Healthy Personality 014-B-003 nd Poly-Pass and Promotion of Social Education in the View of Life-Long Education JJ14004, 2014-2016 the part of Community Education Promotion.

4.Joined and Undertook the Great Project of ECNU Basic Education Reform and Development Research Institute: Research of Basic Education Reform and the Establish of “Life and Practice” Educational School, the part of Human Science Foundation.1JJD880034 011-2015