Department of Educational Administration

2017-12-13  |   1,653 views


East China Normal University Department of Education Management was established in 2000. It mainly conducts teaching and research in education leadership and administration, school management and improvement, education evaluation and evaluation, education of human resources development, education regulations and policies and so on.

Education Economics and Management was founded in 1982. It is part of the earliest professional education management points in China and began to recruit master students in 1985. In 2000, it was granted the right to hold Ph.D. degrees and began to recruit doctoral students. At the same time, it began to cultivate Master of Education and public Master of Management, which is one of the first MPA pilot units in China. There are 6 PhD supervisors, 7 professors, over 200 undergraduates and over 300 graduate students now.

In the past ten years, East China Normal University Department of Education Management adhere to the teaching, research and service community, and trained excellent personnel. All teachers in core journals and newspapers published nearly 150 papers.

In social services, Department of Education Management always pays attention to the combination of theory and practice. In recent years, not only theoretical training for primary and secondary school principals from all over the country has been made, but also a number of experimental base schools have been nurtured. These projects help to teacher professional development and enhance the impact and effectiveness of the school.