Institute of Educational Economy

2017-09-24  |   377 views


East China Normal University Institute of Economic Research was set up in March 2008. There are six teachers, five of whom have doctoral degrees at first-class universities at home and abroad. The current research direction mainly includes education economy, education investment and financing, education and finance, education planning and prediction, education market, education and human resources development. Since its establishment, the Institute of Economic Research has achieved excellent results in teaching, research and social services.

In scientific research, the Institute has undertaken a number of scientific research projects such as the National Natural Science Foundation, the National Social Science Fund, the Ford Foundation of the United States, the Ministry of Education Humanities and Social Science Project and formed a number of influential scientific research achievements. The teachers actively publish academic papers, undertake topics and take part in international and domestic academic conferences.

In terms of social services, the “Annual Meeting of China’s Educational Economics” and the first “National Academic Forum on Educational Economics” were successfully held in 2008. In 2009, it held the first Postgraduate Summer School of Education Economics and Management in China. In the following year, it held the first National Academic Forum for Doctoral Students in Education Economics and Management. These activities have expanded their visibility and improved their academic influence.