The 2017 Executive Committee of the International Confederation of Principals (ICP) Is Held at ECNU

2017-03-28  |   794 views

From the 28th to the 30th of March 2017, the 2017 executive committee of the International Confederation of Principals (ICP) was held in the National Training Center for Secondary School Principals, Ministry of Education, ECNU.

Many guests attended the meeting, including Ms. Fiona Forbes, the chairman of ICP from Australia, Mr. Ari Pokka, the former chairman of ICP from Finland, Ms. Sheree Vetigan, the executive secretary of ICP from Australia and Mr. John Hamilton, the executive member on behalf of Africa from South Africa. Professor Wang Rongming, the vice president of ECNU and Dai Ruihua, the director of the National Training Center for Secondary School Principals also attended this opening ceremony. The opening ceremony was hosted by Professor Shen Yushun, the deputy director of the National Training Center for Secondary School Principals.

The vice president Wang Rongming first welcomed the executive members’ coming on behalf of East China Normal University and introduced the achievements of ECNU in recent years, focusing on the work about internationalization and teacher education.

At the opening ceremony, Professor Dai introduced the characteristics of China’s primary and secondary school principals’ training and the importance of their professional development, and looked forward to having more global exchanges and cooperation on principals’ professional development in the future.

Ms. Fiona Forbes reviewed the profound friendship with the training center of middle school principals in the past 10 years and expressed deep gratitude to ECNU and the the National Training Center for Secondary School Principals for the stress and concern on this meeting.

The meeting was held to discuss the related matters of the annual meeting of ICP in September 2017 in Cape Town South Africa and the work plan of the next two years of ICP. During the meeting, the executive members also communicated with the students of the 33rd national backbone principal training class.

The International Confederation of Principals (ICP), founded in 1990, is a global professional organization of principals. It is united by more than 40 most influential school leadership associations around the world. In addition to 135 thousand primary and secondary school principals from five continents, there are education administrators of the government and education workers in primary and secondary school. ICP is the international education alliance aimed at promoting global education development. The first meeting of ICP was held in Geneva Switzerland in 1933 and then the meeting has been held every two years. The National Training Center for Secondary School Principals is the governing unit of ICP.