Jieqiong Fan

2017-09-17  |   1,732 views




Jieqiong Fan



Lecturer of the Department of Early Childhood Education





Scholarly Interests

Children’s learning quality,Thinking style,Family education and children development

Selected Publications

1. Are perceived learning environments related to subjective well-being? Learning and Individual Differences, 2017.

2. The role of thinking styles in career decision-making self-efficacy among university students. Thinking Skills and Creativity, 2016. 

3. Guidance on Parenting Children: The Experience and Insight from International Parenting Training Programs, Studies in Early Childhood Education, 2016.

4. The role of perceived parenting styles in thinking styles. Learning and Individual Differences, 2014.

5. The role of learning environment in thinking styles. Educational Psychology, 2014.

6. The Effect of Parenting Styles and Students’ Personality on Their Thinking Styles, Psychological Science, 2009.