12月11日 ‘Global language policy, English and Multilingualism’ – with a brief introduction on ‘English in Europe’

本站原创   |    2015-12-08  |   浏览次数: 1,031 views

科学研究&nbsp&nbsp | &nbsp&nbsp 2015-12-08&nbsp&nbsp|&nbsp&nbsp 浏览次数: 749 次



Title: ‘Global language policy, English and Multilingualism’ – with a brief introduction on

‘English in Europe’. 1


报告人:Dr Janet Enever Professor of Language Teaching and Learning Umeå University, Sweden.



Short bio – Janet Enever specialises in the fields of early foreign language learning, language globalisation

and language policy. She holds a doctoral degree from Bristol University, UK in Primary Foreign

Languages Policy and has worked at Universities in London, Krakow, Budapest and Umeå. She

has advised on language policy, early language learning and teacher education for ministries in

Asian, Latin American and European countries. She is the series editor for the Multilingual Matters

research series ‘Early Language Learning in School Contexts’ and coordinator for the AILA Research

Network in Early Language Learning.

Summary –

As part of a larger study on global primary English I will discuss work-in-progress related to language policy at primary level in India and pre-primary level in the Shanghai region. I hope to use the seminar as an opportunity to explore

the challenges of equity in these two contexts, with colleagues here in Shanghai.

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