郝桃 Tao Hao

本站原创   |    2022-12-09  |   浏览次数: 2,582 views



Brief Introduction: Dr. Hao received her doctoral degree from the College of Education, Washington State University in 2021 and is working as a postdoctoral research fellow at Faculty of Education, East China Normal University.

Research Interests and Experience: Dr. Hao’s research interests include (a) computer-assisted language learning, with an emphasis on vocabulary; (b) second language acquisition; (c) psychology and language learning, and (d) PISA reading.

 Representative Publications

Journal Articles:

Hao, T., Sheng, H., Ardasheva, Y., & Wang, Z. (2022). Effects of Dual Subtitles on Chinese Students’ English Listening Comprehension and Vocabulary Learning. The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher,31(5), 529-540.(SSCI)

Hao, T., Wang, Z., & Ardasheva, Y. (2021). Technology-Assisted Vocabulary Learning for EFL Learners: A Meta-Analysis. Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness,14(3), 645-667. (SSCI)

Dai, S., Hao, T., Ardasheva, Y., Ramazan, O., Danielson, R., & Austin, B.W.(2022).(In press) PISA Reading Achievement: Identifying Predictors and Examining Model Generalizability for Multilingual Students. Reading and Writing, 1-11. (SSCI), 共同一作。

Book Chapters:

Ardasheva, Y., Hao, T., & Zhang, X. Teaching and Researching Vocabulary Skills: Theory and Research Based Practices, Research-Driven Pedagogy: Implications of L2 A Theory and Research for the Teaching of Language Skills. Routledge, United Kingdom.

Conference Papers

Ren, Y., Hao, T., Dai, S., & Wang, Z. The richer, the better? Effects of combining seductive and interpretational visuals in computer-based learning. Accepted to the annual meeting of American Educational Research Association (AERA) (April 2023).

Dai, S., Hao, T., Ren, Y., & Wang, Z. How does ego-depletion influence logical reasoning and monitoring accuracy? Accepted to the annual meeting of American Educational Research Association (AERA) (April 2023).

Hao, T., Dai, S., Ardasheva, Y., Ramazan, O., Danielson, R., & Austin, B.W. Student 2018 PISA Reading Achievement: Identifying Predictors and Examining Model Generalizability for English learners. Accepted to the annual meeting of American Educational Research Association (AERA) (April 2021).

Ramazan, O., Dai, S., Danielson, R., Austin, B., Hao, T., Ardasheva.Y. Students’ 2018 PISA Reading Self-Concept: Identifying Predictors and Examining Model Generalizability for English Learners. Accepted to the annual meeting of American Educational Research Association (AERA) (April 2021).

Hao, T., & Wang, Z., Technology-assisted L2 vocabulary acquisition for EFL learners: A meta-analysis. Roundtable paper accepted to the annual meeting of American Educational Research Association (AERA) (April 2020).

Hao, T., Wang, Z., & Ardasheva, Y. Investigating the effects of dual-language subtitles on EFL vocabulary learning and listening of TED talks. Roundtable paper accepted to the annual meeting of American Educational Research Association(AERA) (April 2019).

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