
本站原创   |    2016-06-18  |   浏览次数: 1,281 views

教学事务部   |    2016-05-09  |   浏览次数: 327

主讲嘉宾:Louise C. Wilkinson   博士

School of Education, Syracuse University



Professor Wilkinson gained her Ed.D. at Harvard Graduate School of Education, 1974. She has focused her scholarship on language and literacy learning among school-age children. An internationally-recognized leader in education, Professor Wilkinson is best known for her extensive research on children’s language and literacy learning and has been published in 132 articles, chapters and volumes.

讲座一  佛年班专题讲座

讲座主题:Ariel’s Cycles of Algebraic Problem Solving: An Adolescent Acquires the

Mathematics Register

讲座时间:2016511   上午9:30—11:00


This presentation features one adolescent’s learning to solve an algebraic problem at the same time he acquired, in tandem, the mathematics register. The mathematics register refers to the specialized language used in mathematics teaching and learning; it is characterized by precision in both oral and written language. The open-ended problem-solving task required the bilingual adolescent, Ariel, to determine how many Cuisenaire rods were needed to build a ladder with different number of rungs and to justify his solution. Over time, Ariel approached the problem, and he then built his algebraic knowledge.



讲座主题:Multilingual Students Struggle with Learning in School

讲座时间:2016511日下午 2:00—3:30


This presentation describes a mixed methods case study of Diego, a multilingual adolescent attending a public high school in the U.S. Qualitative analysis of his interviews and a quantitative, and linguistic analyses of his writing reveal the central elements of Diego’s language development and identity as related to academic English and U.S. schooling. Educational implications for working with multilingual adolescents worldwide are discussed.






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