
本站原创   |    2021-12-22  |   浏览次数: 3,020 views



王勇丽 等:Examining the psychometric properties of the simplified Parenting Stress Index-Short Form with Chinese parents of children with cerebral palsy

We examined the factorial validity, measurement invariance, reliability, and concurrent validity across gender groups of the simplified Parenting Stress Index-Short Form (S-PSI-SF) with a group of 486 Chinese parents of children with cerebral palsy. Participants completed the S-PSI-SF and the Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Support. Findings based on a confirmatory factor analysis suggest that the original three-factor model was duplicated in this population, and displayed measurement invariance for both fathers and mothers. The internal reliability of the S-PSI-SF was confirmed, and composite reliability values were larger than .70. Furthermore, all subscales of the S-PSI-SF were significantly correlated with the Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Support. These results show that the S-PSI-SF is a trustworthy and effective tool for evaluating parenting stress and can be used confidently with both fathers and mothers of children with cerebral palsy.


点击查看:王勇丽 等《Examining the psychometric properties of the simplified Parenting Stress Index-Short Form with Chinese parents of children with cerebral palsy》



 “课程游戏化”的理论与实践引发了学前教育领域的多重讨论。“课程游戏化”起源于对当前幼儿园课程实践危机的反思,是一种课程理论取向,体现了幼儿园课程与童年游戏精神融合的课程理想。“课程游戏化”理念没有秉持工具理性,既无“游戏工具论”,也非“课程工具论”,其出发点和归宿是儿童发展与教育质量提升。从课程理式的视野来看, “课程游戏化”的内涵是通过对话与理解,让课程融合游戏精神,呈现儿童诗性的生活。通过欣赏和鼓励游戏、理解与尊重儿童、守望与重返童年,“课程游戏化”体现了成人与幼儿平等对话的诗性旅程。




2020年COVID-19的全球流行触发全球化发生逆转,各国之间社会经济活动、人员流动、交流与合作深受影响。当今的逆全球化浪潮是20世纪末以来反全球化运动的延续,COVID-19大流行将逆全球化推向历史新高潮。近年学界日渐关注逆全球化时代的高等教育国际化变化与对策,已有研究侧重考察留学教育、人才国际流动、人文交流、科技竞争与高等教育服务贸易等方面, 尚未对其整体转型与未来发展进行立足中国情境的理论反思与回应。本文试图梳理全球化新变局背景下高等教育国际化的新变化,反思高等教育国际化理论的贡献与局限,分析中国高等教育国际化面临的现实境遇与应对之策,提出构建新型高等教育国际化的理念与思路。



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